Ajay NairExtension Commercial Horticulture Specialist 515-294-7080nairajay@iastate.edu Produce growers will learn from researchers and experienced high tunnel farmers A high tunnel short course will be held at Reiman Gardens on the Iowa State …

Ajay NairExtension Commercial Horticulture Specialist 515-294-7080nairajay@iastate.edu Produce growers will learn from researchers and experienced high tunnel farmers A high tunnel short course will be held at Reiman Gardens on the Iowa State …
Joe HannanCommercial Horticultural Field SpecialistIowa State University Extension and Outreachjmhannan@iastate.edu Rainwater as an irrigation source is continuing to grow in popularity across Iowa. Since Shawn Shouse and Linda Naeve of …
Richard Jauron Extension Horticulturist515-294-3108 rjauron@iastate.edu Apple trees are a treat in a home garden, but they are susceptible to a variety of diseases. One of the most common problems of …
Charles SchwabAgricultural and Biosystems Engineering515-294-4131cvschwab@iastate.edu Farm safety celebrated with proclamation signed by Gov. Reynolds The Iowa Farm Safety and Health Week will be held Sept. 15-21 in conjunction with the …
Practical Farmers of Iowa is now accepting applications for its next class of the Savings Incentive Program, a two-year mentorship and support program for beginning and aspiring farmers. Applications are due by Friday, Oct. 11, and must be submitted using the form at practicalfarmers.org/savings-incentive-program.
Landowners and families who want to learn more about planting monarch and pollinator habitat should consider attending a field day Aug. 26 near Creston. The event is being hosted by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, Iowa Pheasants Forever, USDA-NRCS and the Union County Soil and Water Conservation District.
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will host eleven Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training meetings from November 2019 through March 2020. The training sessions are for fruit and vegetable growers and others interested in learning about produce safety, the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule, and Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs). Each class will be led by ISU Extension and Outreach specialists.