Hello commercial apple growers, Have you heard of a cool new sprayer technology for apples? It could be the biggest change in apple spraying since the invention of the airblast …
What’s a mesotunnel, and what’s it good for?
If you’re a vegetable grower, you’re probably familiar with high tunnels and low tunnels. But what are mesotunnels? All three of these tunnel types are used to create some sort …
New Specialty Crop Specialist Looking Forward to Working with Growers
The newest commercial vegetable and specialty crop specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach knows the needs and concerns of the industry. Dan Fillius, who will begin his new …
On-Farm Readiness Reviews Offered to Fruit and Vegetable Growers
Joe HannanExtension Commercial Horticulture Specialist515-993-4281jmhannan@iastate.edu Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will offer voluntary, on-farm assessments to Iowa fruit and vegetable growers in preparation for Food and Drug Administration farm …
Online Food Safety Training for Home-based Food Operators in Iowa
Shannon M. ColemanFood Science and Human Nutrition515-294-9011scoleman@iastate.edu Throughout the state, farmers markets are opening for the season, providing many opportunities for Iowans to sell home-prepared foods. This part of the …
Extension and Outreach Offers Virtual Food Systems Certification
Kaley HohenshellProgram Coordinator515-745-2401kaleyh@iastate.edu The COVID-19 pandemic emphasized the importance of resilient local food systems. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach has transitioned its nationally recognized Local Food Leader professional development …
Ag Decision Maker unveils new look for 25th anniversary
A popular source of online information for the agricultural industry in Iowa has a new and improved look. The Ag Decision Maker, published by Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, unveiled …
Virtual showcase of Buffalo Ridge Orchard
The Sustainable Iowa Land Trust (SILT), a statewide nonprofit that works with landowners to permanently dedicate their land to table food and market farming, will host a virtual showcase of …
2021 Iowa Specialty Producers Conference a Success!
The 2021 Iowa Specialty Producers Conference, moved virtual for the first time due to COVID-19 restrictions, was held Jan. 19 & 20, 2021, and event organizers are calling it a success. …
Fruit and Vegetable Continuing Instruction Course Scheduled for Feb. 22
Joe HannanExtension Commercial Horticulture Specialist515-993-4281jmhannan@iastate.edu The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship Pesticide Bureau has approved a continuing instruction course for fruit and vegetable commercial (Category 1D) and private …