Ajay Nair
Extension Commercial Horticulture Specialist
The horticulture team with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will hold the 2024 Fruit and Vegetable Field Day Tuesday, Aug. 6, at Iowa State University’s Horticulture Research Station, northeast of Ames.
The annual event will feature various research and demonstration projects on fruit and vegetable production for commercial growers, extension personnel, nonprofit organizations and master gardeners.

The field day will highlight commercial production of vegetable and fruit crops sold through farmers markets, Community Supported Agriculture programs and wholesale. Participants will have an opportunity to observe and evaluate research projects focusing on organic production, peppers, berry crops, apples, eggplant and sweet corn. Discussion on Iowa’s elusive and mystical fruits such as pawpaw, peach and persimmon will also take place.
According to Patrick O’Malley, commercial horticulture field specialist with ISU Extension and Outreach, these delectable fruits can be grown throughout much of the state; however, there are some reasons they are not more prevalent.
Other fruits featured will be high-density apple production with Midwest cultivars, as well as a demonstration of various small fruits including Aronia, honeyberry, raspberry and day-neutral strawberries.
Early sweet corn production will also be discussed. Having sweet corn ready on the 4th of July is more likely if the right variety is planted. Learn which varieties had the best early-vigor and produced the earliest sweet corn in the variety trial.
Funding for the field day is provided by the United States Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture, North Central Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, and the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship’s Specialty Crop Block grant. The field day is organized in partnership with the Specialty Crop Growers Association, Practical Farmers of Iowa and the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture.
The Horticulture Research Station is located at 55519, 170th St., Ames. The field day will run from 2-5:30 p.m. followed by supper.
Registration is free but required for accurate count for food. Register online by Aug. 1.
Shareable photo: Past fruit and vegetable field day participants.